Zheng Xishi Camellia/正西施茶花, 5-Gallon size Potted Plant, Shipped with Pot, Live Plant in Pot
Zheng Xishi Camellia/正西施茶花, 5-Gallon size Potted Plant, Shipped with Pot, Live Plant in Pot
For shipping convenience, the Zheng Xishi Camellia, or 正西施, is potted in a small container. Please don't interpret this as a deviation from the listed description. Upon receipt, transfer it to a 5-gallon pot for optimal growth. You can do this promptly or wait until after the blossoms have fully bloomed. Your understanding of the small pot for shipping convenience is appreciated.
为了方便邮寄,正西施茶花(又称"Zheng Xishi")目前被种植在小盆中。请您不要误以为这与提供的描述不符。在收到货物后,请将其移植到一个5加仑的大盆中,以促进最佳生长。您可以选择立即进行移植,也可以等到花朵完全开放后再进行。感谢您理解小盆用于方便邮寄的安排。
Zheng Xishi" Camellia, also known as 正西施, is an exquisite tea plant celebrated for its charming blossoms in vibrant red tones. Flourishing in locations with filtered or dappled sunlight, this camellia adds a touch of elegance to gardens.
正西施茶花,又称"Zheng Xishi",以其深红色调的迷人花朵而闻名。适合在有过滤或斑驳阳光的地方茁壮成长,为花园增添一抹优雅。