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Buddha's Hand Citron Tree,佛手柑,living plant,2gal

Buddha's Hand Citron Tree,佛手柑,living plant,2gal

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The Buddha's Hand citron tree is a unique and captivating citrus tree that is renowned for its distinctive fruit. The tree, scientifically known as Citrus medica var. sarcodactylis, belongs to the Rutaceae family and is native to northeastern India and China.
The Buddha's Hand citron tree is named after its fruit, which closely resembles a hand with multiple elongated finger-like segments. These segments, or "fingers," can vary in number from five to more than twenty, giving the fruit its characteristic appearance. The fruit is pale yellow to bright yellow in color and has a thick, bumpy rind.
Unlike most other citrus fruits, the Buddha's Hand citron is virtually seedless and contains little to no juice. Its aromatic rind is the primary focus, as it emits a strong, sweet fragrance that is often compared to a blend of lemon and lavender. The peel is often used as a flavoring agent in culinary applications, providing a unique citrusy and floral aroma to dishes and beverages.
The Buddha's Hand citron tree is a small to medium-sized evergreen tree, reaching a height of 8 to 15 feet (2.4 to 4.6 meters). It has shiny, dark green leaves that are similar in appearance to those of other citrus trees. The tree produces fragrant, white flowers, adding to its overall visual appeal.
Cultivating the Buddha's Hand citron tree requires a sunny location with well-drained soil. It thrives in warm climates and is sensitive to frost and cold temperatures. The tree can be grown in pots or containers, making it suitable for indoor cultivation in colder regions.
Aside from its ornamental value, the Buddha's Hand citron tree has cultural and religious significance in many Asian countries. It is often used as a decorative item in temples and homes and is associated with luck, prosperity, and warding off evil spirits.
In terms of culinary uses, the Buddha's Hand citron peel is a prized ingredient in various dishes and beverages. It is commonly used in Chinese and Japanese cuisine, where it is used to flavor sauces, liqueurs, and desserts. The aromatic zest can also be used to infuse oils, vinegars, and spirits.
In conclusion, the Buddha's Hand citron tree is a remarkable citrus tree known for its unusual fruit, which resembles a hand with elongated finger-like segments. Its aromatic and flavorful peel is highly valued in culinary applications, and the tree itself adds beauty and cultural significance to its surroundings.

佛手柑树是一种独特迷人的柑橘树,以其独特的水果而闻名。学名为Citrus medica var. sarcodactylis的佛手柑树属于芸香科,原产于印度东北部和中国地区。

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