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Certified Organic Hyacinth Bean Seeds; 青眉豆;Versatile and Ornamental; Edible from Spring to Frost; Dolichos Lablab Bataw; 12 Seeds

Certified Organic Hyacinth Bean Seeds; 青眉豆;Versatile and Ornamental; Edible from Spring to Frost; Dolichos Lablab Bataw; 12 Seeds

Regular price $2.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $2.99 USD
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Hyacinth beans,also known as Eyebrow beans or Flat beans, are a fast-growing vegetable that can be enjoyed from summer through winter. This type of bean has the unique feature of flowering while producing pods simultaneously. Once mature, the beans are harvested, and after removing the fibrous outer layer, they are sliced and stir-fried with pork belly, resulting in a delicious dish.


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