Osmanthus Fragrans (Ri Xiang) - 日香桂 - Living Plant - Trunk Diameter 3-4cm - Height about 2 feet 10 inches - Shipping with Bag
Osmanthus Fragrans (Ri Xiang) - 日香桂 - Living Plant - Trunk Diameter 3-4cm - Height about 2 feet 10 inches - Shipping with Bag
Osmanthus fragrans, also known as Sweet Osmanthus or Fragrant Olive, is a horticultural variety of Osmanthus. It is named for its continuous blooming and intense fragrance. It is an evergreen shrub with multiple branches and short internodes. The leaves are smooth, green in color, and usually have glandular dots on both sides. They have petioles (leaf stems) and few or no serrations along the leaf edges.
Osmanthus fragrans is highly prized for its exquisite fragrance, which is refreshing and captivating. One remarkable characteristic is that the flower stems emerge from the green leaves, allowing the plant to produce flowers throughout the year.
日香桂:是桂花的一个园艺品种,因具有不断开花,香气浓郁的特点而得名。常绿灌木,分枝多、节间短,叶片光滑,色绿,叶缘少齿或无锯齿。 日香桂香气四溢,沁人心脾。极具显著的优点是花茎伸出绿叶,能常年有花,并花开不断。
Osmanthus fragrans, also known as Ri Xiang Gui, is a new variety within the Osmanthus family that is characterized by its intense fragrance, long blooming period, and rapid growth. Its branches can grow over one meter in a single year. When in bloom, the tree is adorned with clusters of golden-yellow or silver-white flowers that fill the air with a delightful and refreshing scent. One remarkable feature of Ri Xiang Gui is that its flower stems emerge from amidst the green leaves, allowing the plant to produce flowers year-round, ensuring a continuous bloom. It exhibits the unique ability to continuously differentiate flower buds, with the extraordinary characteristic of young branches and even mature woody branches being densely covered with flower buds and blossoms. This guarantees the longevity and continuity of its flowering. It can even start blooming from the tender spring buds, making it exceptional compared to ordinary Osmanthus varieties. Ri Xiang Gui is highly adaptable, tolerant to cold and drought, and easy to cultivate and establish. It is a precious gem within the Osmanthus family, maintaining evergreen foliage throughout the four seasons, displaying strong resilience, and exhibiting simultaneous vegetative and reproductive growth. Its flowering period extends for more than 240 days throughout the year.